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Securing Waterfall server network

Securing your server network is very important! So far we have setup a fully functional server network. But now we have to secure it, properly.
Currently anyone can bypass our proxy server and directly join our backend servers. That way they can get into our account, getting OP...

In short, anyone can grief/destroy all our work and do whatever they want. But let's not panic just yet. We can prevent that!

🛡️ BungeeGuard

BungeeGuard is a plugin used to verify that players connecting to our backend servers come from our trusted proxy server. It is a much easier alternative to Firewalling (which isn't possible on Shared Hosting, like FreeMC.Host itself).

Download BungeeGuard by clicking here.

On your proxy server:
Upload downloaded BungeeGuard.jar to plugins folder and restart it.
Open /plugins/BungeeGuard/token.yml file and copy value of token.

To each of your backend servers:
Upload download BungeeGuard.jar to plugins folder and restart it.
Open /plugins/BungeeGuard/config.yml file and remove [] after allowed-tokens:. Now paste copied token instead of text the token generated by by the proxy goes here and remove # from the start of that line. Save File and run bungeeguard reload command from the Console.