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Configuring Waterfall Proxy server

Let's go to File Management and into config.yml file. This is where we will be working.

I will be going over some properties we should change.

  • player_limit (-1)
    This is the maximum number of players that can join our server network. You can change it to any number you like or even keep it as -1 for unlimited.

  • permissions
    This is a list of groups and their permissions.
    If you plan on using Network-wide permission plugin like LuckPerms, you don't have to add anything here.
    If you don't, to give players access to commands of Bungeecord/Waterfall plugins (like SkinsRestorer or SlashServer), make sure to define permissions under default group.
    To add permissions to yourself, add them under admin.

  • network_compression_threshold (256)
    It is recommended to change this to 512. This will sometimes improve performance.

  • online_mode (true)
    If you would like to have a cracked server network, change this to false.

  • servers This will be the list of our servers inside the server network. Delete default server:

        motd: '&1Just another Waterfall - Forced Host'
        address: localhost:25565
        restricted: false
    Now paste the following exactly number of times of how many Bukkit servers you have.
        address: IP_Address:PORT
    Replace Gamemode_Name with your actual Gamemode or Server type, like Lobby, Survival, PvP, SkyBlock, Creative, ...
    Change IP_Address:PORT with server's Connection from the Panel My Servers page.

  • listeners

    • query_port (25577)
      Change this to your server's Port (Last 5 digits of IP)

    • query_enabled (false)
      It is always recommended to change this to true. This will allow Minecraft server lists to getter get information about how many players are online.

    • priorities (- lobby)
      If you have more than 3 servers and have Lobby/Hub, make sure to replace lobby with the name of your Lobby/Hub server. Names are case-sensitive. If you have exactly 3 servers, no Lobby/Hub server, put both of your game modes. Like so, replacing Survival and SkyBlock with names of your's:

        - Survival
        - SkyBlock

    • host (
      Replace 25577 with your server's port (Last 5 digits of IP)

    • max_players (1)
      This is the maximum number of players that will be shown in player count. You can change this to any number you would like. This can be different from player_limit.

    • force_default_server (false)
      If you have more than 3 servers and have Lobby/Hub server, change this to true. When true, players will be sent to the first server defined in priorities.

  • ip_forward (false)
    Change this to true! This is very important! Your server network will be opened to many security risks if you keep it as false.

  • groups (md_5: - admin)
    Replace md_5 with your Minecraft name.

This is how my finished file looks like.

server_connect_timeout: 5000
remote_ping_cache: -1
forge_support: true
player_limit: 100
  - bungeecord.command.server
  - bungeecord.command.list
  - bungeecord.command.alert
  - bungeecord.command.end
  - bungeecord.command.ip
  - bungeecord.command.reload
timeout: 30000
log_commands: false
network_compression_threshold: 512
online_mode: true
- disabledcommandhere
- query_port: 30020
  motd: '&1Another Bungee server'
  tab_list: GLOBAL_PING
  query_enabled: true
  proxy_protocol: false
  forced_hosts: pvp
  ping_passthrough: false
  - Lobby
  bind_local_address: true
  max_players: 100
  tab_size: 60
  force_default_server: true
ip_forward: true
remote_ping_timeout: 5000
prevent_proxy_connections: false
  - admin
connection_throttle: 4000
stats: 5e7ad69a-15f9-4715-8001-a7bf68da7ccd
connection_throttle_limit: 3
log_pings: true

Once you are done. Make sure to Save the File! Now Restart your Waterfall server. Restart button, type end in Console.

Now that we configured Waterfall, you might have noticed that we can't join it. We are still not finished with configuration. We need to configure our Backend servers.

Configuring Bukkit servers

On all your Bukkit servers, go into File Management and open spigot.yml file. Change bungeecord from false to true. Save the File.

Now go back to File Managemement and open file. Change online-mode=true to online-mode=false. Save the File.


Changing the server's online mode to false (cracked mode) is a requirement by Waterfall (as well as Bungeecord)! Your server network's online mode depends on value set in config.yml on your Waterfall (or Bungeecord) server.

With that let's restart our Backend servers and test if everything works! We have finished the basic configuration of our Server network.
But wait, there is more!! We still have to secure it! 👉